The feral momma and kitten are doing well; they love to play in the front garden weed bed in front of our house. Momma is the grey kitty and tuxxie, the black and white is her approximately 7 month old son.
We still cannot pick them up, but at feeding times, both morning and night they will stand next to us as the feed is poured.
Their were 4 kittens, but he was the only survivor, we have a very active fox that patrols our property.. Not really wanting to get into that, since… Nature is nature…
Anyway, there will be no more kittens from these two, and they sleep in the front shed, interestingly tuxxie, likes to float cat food in the water pan, which I find very amusing, but TheMasterOfTheUniverse who has to clean and scrub the pan, isn’t really impressed by this…

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For more kitty news visit: The Cat Blogosphere,
also The Carnival of the cats which is visiting Wonkitties today.
I of course forgot to get anything to the Friday arkso all is normal in my world!
Absolutely do not miss the festival of chaos which is being hosted by Mog & Kitty Cats at Mind of Mog The optional Theme ~ Whiskers Or Ears.
Be sure also to stop and say howdy to The Bad Kittys and Megan!
WCB is hosted by our friends at House of the (Mostly) Black Cats, this is the Thanksgiving Edition.