Mar 13 2008

Profile Image of pet

Bounties and Fools

Posted at 7:14 pm under Life

When I was a kid there was a bounty on coyotes.
I think that the ears (both) were required. They were turned into the conservation department where payment was received.

My daddy and granddaddy would shoot them when they came into the pastures or barnyard. I do not recall them actively hunting coyotes for a bounty.
But what fool would turn down what amounted to free money?

In the small Iowa town of Randolph there is a new bounty, cats.
Mayor Vance Trively said has said there are dozens of feral cats, and the population keeps growing. The City Council approved the bounty, which went into effect March 1. The bounty is five dollars per feline delivered to their conservation dept. The cats are immediately euthanized.

I’m guessing they have never heard of spay/ neuter and release?
Because when spay/neutering was mentioned the idea was discarded as they believe the problem would keep growing…
I’m pretty sure spayed and neutered animals cannot reproduce, but heck maybe in Randolph Iowa there are special circumstances?

This mayor and town counsel had better eat their wheaties, because they are fixing to have lots of people jumping all over them.

The humane society of the United States is working with a local rescue group to save as many as possible.

One response so far

One Response to “Bounties and Fools”

  1. iowaon 14 Mar 2008 at 11:06 am 1

    […] of raleigh23 and me googleflip wilson gaysteven a smithst. patrick s day activitiesam i in piBounties and Fools When I was a kid there was a bounty on coyotes. I think that the ears both were required. They were […]

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