May 31 2006

Profile Image of pet

Kat would be 51

Posted at 11:14 am under This~n~That, poetry

Sometimes tears fall.
Grief overwhelms my heart
And I sob
I wake up and race the critters out the door

I flee to the yard
Bury my face in a pony’s mane.
Evoking thoughts of home until
He steps on my foot.
Tries to chew on my braid….

BuddyTheDog asks what’s wrong as I sob
BlackJack dashes around chasing moonbeams.

Tigger sits in the window watching anxiously..

The MasterOfTheUniverse walks out with a cup of coffee
as I swing looking nowhere

Dawn hasn’t broken.
The moon is shining softly on paradise.
The home we are so blessed with,
The scent of the roses is almost overwhelming.
I know I have been blessed with this man.
My Partner, My soul mate

With silent tears he sits down next to me
He Asks with love what he can do..
Its 4 am
I have no Answer. Only tears

My heart is broken
Too many losses,

Heal it.
Give me peace about our daughter Marzie
Give me peace about Kat
And my momma,
And my daddy.
He takes my hand and prays with me
for me

Please God have mercy on us..
I look at the greatest man on earth, my husband,
The MasterOfTheUniverse
And hug him knowing that Gods Mercy is always before us
And smile thru tears

Just love me as I cry please

I miss our daughter
And momma
I miss my dad
I miss Kat

Grief has no time frame and sometimes it’s just damned inconvenient
And what are we doing in the yard at 4 am anyway!

Thank you God for this man,

Kat would be 51
I know she is celebrating in heaven!
I love you.
Happy Birthday
I miss you

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